Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year, right? I mean, it is the New Year, isn't It?

Then why is there still a GD christmas tree in my living room? Why are there still presents in their boxes laying underneath it? Why are there still tiny figurines of fat men in red suits laying their lazy asses all over the house?

Oh wait, that lazy ass is me. I just can't get it together after the holidays. I feel overwhelmed and unorganized. While I think it's perfectly okay to have piles of clothes strewn about my bedroom I need order in other parts of my life. Bills need to be paid, floors need to be vacuumed and then of course the toilet needs to be cleaned. Errands need to be done and they are just piling up in my head when I should be writing them on paper. I am the Keeper of the Order (was that a serial killer or something? Stephen King book? I think so. Maybe Jackie Collins? Yep - that's it, Hollywood Wives) and if the Keeper has fallen asleep on the job then there is no order and no order makes Lo an irritable, PMS-y type girl.

Oh wait, maybe it's all just PMS.

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