Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's Spring Back, right? Or Fall Forward? Or....

I've been around for thirty-five years now. Long enough to have mastered daylight savings I would think. Wrong. Am I the only moron that goes through this every time? Why do I wake up the morning after with a time-telling hangover? Why do we (because I'm including my husband in the stupidity) scramble around the house, checking clocks, asking each other "The clock on the microwave says 10:00, so that means it's really 9:00, right?" No dumb ass, it's really ten o'clock, get with the program.

That's all.

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Blogger little miss mel said...

The only way I can remember it is:

We gain an hour in the fall, (FALL BACK) but it's darker sooner, so that sucks.

Lose an hour in the Spring,(SPRING FORWARD) but we get an extra hour of daylight, so that's cool.

Wait, that is confusing. Sorry.
I am no help. :)

11:22 AM  
Blogger Lo said...

I guess I'm annoyed with the earlier switch this year because I like to equate springing forward with warm weather as well, and here it is still while it's lighter longer it's still damn cold! Not fair.

1:45 PM  
Blogger xxxx said...

All I know is that it is SERIOUSLY messing with my body clock this week. I was up at 3:30 a.m. last night, like, la de da. Soooo dumb!

8:29 PM  

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