Saturday, March 03, 2007

I'm sick.

Well, it got me. The dreaded intestinal virus. I have spent the day alternating between freezing and sweating, and trying to figure out how best to keep my germs away from the boy as Daddy went out on a road trip with Papa to buy the boy's third birthday present - a swing set.

The boy's third birthday is not until May, but we saw a great deal on this swingset for $288 as opposed to $1000+. $1000? For a swing set? The angular rusted swingset of my childhood shudders in horror over that one.

Luckily the cashier had fiddlesticks for fingers and rung the blasted thing up for $75 as opposed to $288. Husband also purchased a t.v. for the bedroom so we will stop spending our nights falling asleep on the couch, waking up at 4 a.m. to drag ourselves into the bedroom, only to get up for the day in an hour and a half. His total bill should have been somewhere in the neighborhood of around $600, so it's literally like getting the swingset for 75% off and here's a television set for free. Normally I am the kind of person that had I been there, would have pointed out the mistake, paid full price, and expected to hear angels singing and be showered with confetti at my honesty, when really all I hear is my own voice in my head saying "damn, I should have kept my mouth shut."

But not today, I feel no remorse because after all, I wasn't there, I didn't have anything to do with it. These things happen. Husband says he didn't realize the mistake until he got home. I questioned how he didn't find it odd that his total was less than half of what it was supposed to be, to which Papa responded, "sometimes that's best".

I'm going to check my lottery numbers, after all, I'm feeling lucky! But first, a visit to the porcelain god...



Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Feel better. This is exactly what I had last Saturday!

6:01 PM  
Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Feel better. This is exactly what I had last Saturday!

6:01 PM  
Blogger Lo said...

Thanks, MM! I'm feeling more human today but still have this odd gurgling going on in my stomach...guess it takes a few days to get back to normal. I'm sure I will be in tip-top shape by the time the boy and the husband end up with it (knocking on wood big time here).

6:25 PM  

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